Forthcoming Titles

Here’s a sneak peak at some of our upcoming titles.

  • Hallowed Ground: The Folklore of Churches and Churchyards examines the surprising traditions, customs, superstitions and secular imagery found in Christian churches and churchyards with a particular emphasis on the traditional rural protestant church. Beginning with stories associated with the construction of church buildings themselves and the role that they played in the community, the book moves through a number of subjects where everything might not be as it would seem it should be in the Christian church and its grounds. Expect vestiges of pagan symbols hidden in the fabric of the church building and clergymen rumored to hold strange arcane knowledge of their own, kept within their personal occult libraries. Learn the ways in which you can use the church and its grounds to divine who might die in the next twelve months, where you might find love and how you might cure illnesses. Watch out for a number of figures who you shouldn't expect to find on such holy ground, from run-ins with the Devil to spectral figures inhabiting the church or its graves. Discover some of the ways in which magic and witchcraft seep into the hallowed ground of the churchyard from outside. Hallowed Ground will offer more than a few surprises about the folklore that surrounds the church and its churchyard and a fascinating insight into the social history that surrounds our place of traditional Sunday worship, all delivered with the academic rigor and accessible, engaging style for which the author is known.

  • Wise Ones by Ben Stimpson is a place by place, region by region collection of traditional lore relating to witches, magicians and cunningfolk from England, Cornwall and Wales. Organized in encyclopedia format based on individually named characters and then organized by place, this is not just a summarization of lore but a faithful retelling of the stories as they were first recorded in the literature of the 16th and 17th centuries, and folklore journals of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Readers will meet figures from epics like Beowulf, the Mabinogion, and the Arthurian Tales; folkloric figures attached to the landscape, from the Old Woman purported to be a witch at the end of the village to the renaissance philosopher who sold his soul to the Devil for power. We will meet historical cunningfolk such as Dr Harries of Cwrt-y-Cadno or Cunning Murrell of Essex whose stories became enwrapped in legendary accounts of tricking the devil to build a bridge or finding a clients’ lost money. Readers will not only travel through the landscape, they will also travel through time, meeting figures from over the past one thousand years. We will not focus on the victims of the witchcraft trials, though some of these individuals will make an appearance.

    This guide is meticulously cited so that every story is sourced within the folklore record, allowing researchers unfamiliar with this material to know where the story was collected and by who. The legendary data is supplemented by the research of academics and practitioners in the field of witchcraft studies, offering context. Readers will be able to travel through the landscape utilizing included maps, and enter the magical landscape of these witches and cunningfolk.

  • DescripThe Witch’s fetch is the etheric, spirit helper often found to manifest within the framework of old Witch lore. Despite its popularity in myth, however, very little has actually been written about actively working with one’s fetch in magical practice. To Catch a Fleeting Shadow: A Witch’s Guide to Fetch Work seeks to bridge the gap between myth and lore and authentic magical practice. Part One of this book explores the mythological and folkloric origins of the fetch, while Part Two presents a completely new grimoire of active and intense magical practice designed to help you weave a web of magic in complete partnership with your fetch.

    This book delves into the heart of the Witch’s fetch, encouraging readers to explore the relationship with their own fetch to reveal the potent magic that resides therein. Through a blend of history, folklore and personal narrative, To Catch a Fleeting Shadow reveals the art of forging an intimate and fulfilling bond with one’s fetch, a relationship built on mutual respect, empowerment, and the sharing of ancient knowledge. Accessible enough to help those Witches just starting on their path, but serious enough at times to cater to the more seasoned practitioner, To Catch a Fleeting Shadow: A Witch’s Guide to Fetch Work will prove to be a fantastic and engaging resource.

  • In October 2019, Jess Settergren received some life-altering news: she had breast cancer. Despite living in a world where Breast Cancer Awareness is highly visible and offers a myriad of support, she found herself uniquely alone as none of the options for patients and survivors featured a Pagan perspective. With Defying Shadows, Settergren sets out to fill the gap for Pagan-and-Witch-friendly cancer support. Within its pages you will find gentle, easy ways to perform spells, meditations for wellness, and low-energy rituals for every sabbat. Find your peace and embrace the now with Defying Shadows.

  • Sigil magic, particularly the methods introduced by Austin Spare, has a special discipline devoted to that kind of magic by itself. However, sigil magic resides within a family of techniques that include the construction and deployment of sigil pictographs, sigils of spirit names, seals, notaries, and symbolic signatures, as well as magical mantras and derived words of power. In the previous age, it was called the Ars Notoria, or the notary art, and it was used to symbolically represent ideas, images and words of power combined to produce a talismanic like construction that resonated with power and meaning, and was by itself, a powerful magical device. It was also a methodology to symbolically depict the names of spirits, whether as sigils produced by planetary kameas or later, alphabet wheels. In the 20th century, Austin Spare developed a methodology to produce magical pictograms and words of power as sigils that symbolically encapsulated the objectives and desires of the magician. All of these methodologies, old and new, represent the notary art of magic.

    You can find these techniques shown and discussed in a number of different books, but you will not find them collected together into a single comprehensive book until now. Frater Barrabbas has brought together all of the methodologies of the notary art into a concise book that shows the ritual magician how to incorporate them into their magic. This book, entitled Sigils, Seals, Notaries and Signatures, is the first book to deliver the practical methodology of the entire spectrum of the notary art as it pertains to spirit names, pictographs, symbolic images, seals, words of power, and signatures. The notary art is a creative and imaginative methodology that translates names, words, phrases, and ideogramic images so they can be understood by the deities, spirits and powers that reside within the super-symbolic domain.

    This book is divided into four parts, which covers the range of the notary arts. Frater Barrabbas has written this book for the practical ritual magician and includes the methods of construction and deployment in ritual workings or as stand-alone device

  • From the mind of Patricia Telesco comes The Witch’s Book of Ceremonies & Rituals, a phenomenal collection of workings that you can perform to celebrate the wheel of the year, as well as bring powerful changes to your life. Create rituals for all sorts of occasions, from birthdays to separations, from forgiveness to employment, and more. Learn the history of traditional witches’ holidays and the fascinating folklore behind them, and mark monumental moments with special ceremonies like handfasting. A great book for beginners and old practitioners alike, The Witch’s Book of Ceremonies & Rituals is a timeless go-to for any situation.

  • A bewitching book all about that old witch’s familiar, the cat, The Good Cat Spell Book by Gillian Kemp will help you perform works of magic and divination, all with the assistance of your furry companion. Found within are spells, incantations, charms, and divinatory methods that will help guide you AND your cat towards what you both want, be it career advancement or catnip. Learn the fascinating history behind the feline as the witch’s familiar, as well as engross yourself in cat folklore and even astrology! This purr-fect title is just what you need to build your magical relationship with your furry feline friends.

  • Many witches want to build a magical relationship with Man’s Best Friend, but where does one start on such an endeavor? The Good Dog Spell Book by Gillian Kemp will teach you how to create fantastic works of magic while including your furry companion. Perform divination with your dog, learn their personality through their zodiac sign, and create spells to attract the things you want for yourself and for Fido. The positive and harmless indoor and outdoor spells included within will help you build a strong magical relationship between yourself and your pet, deepening your magic in the process.

  • Over a hundred years ago MacGregor Mathers published a book that introduced to the magicians of the 20th century the magical ordeal penned by an obscure German Jewish occultist. That book was called The Book of Abramelin the Sage and contained an arduous preparation practice that lasted six months manifesting the Holy Guardian Angel, instructing, and guiding the adherent. The book contained many magical squares of notorious potency. To use them, the magician had to undergo many months of prayer, meditation, fasting, purification, abasement, and a period of complete sequestration. Another version of this working, recently published, had the working last for eighteen months with three months of sequestration.

    Many magicians attempted this arduous task, some succeeded and some failed. This working was typically beyond the means and resources of your average magician. This was the challenge to achieve the knowledge and conversation with their Holy Guardian Angel. However, Frater Barrabbas took this challenge and used it to forge a whole new magical ordeal. He decided to base it on a lunar cycle instead of a solar cycle, crafting an ordeal that could be accomplished in seven weeks with three days of sequestration, thus making its performance more practical.

    Frater Barrabbas sought to create a powerful series of magical workings that would produce the promised state of transfiguration and manifest one’s Holy Guardian Angel. He used invocations of the four Seraphim and Cherubim in a four-week period, along with the Element Godhead, to produce a holy tabernacle of godhead and angelic intelligence. He chose a revised version of the Bornless or Headless One invocation rite of GD fame as the apex. He plumbed the PGM to extract three more rituals to add to Bornless rite. These rituals and more he has written into a book, including the diaries entries where he performed this working back in 2009 to validate it. All of this lore and instruction are encapsulated in the book, Abramelin Lunar Ordeal, a unique and profound contribution to the art of ritual magic. Now, the Sacred Magic of Abramelin is available using a new, concise paradigm

  • Raven’s Call is a treasure trove for anyone intrigued by Witchcraft, Wicca, and the occult. This anthology brings together a unique collection of out-of-print articles curated by the late Raven Grimassi, along with contributions from experts in the field. The book serves as a gateway into the esoteric traditions and practices that have shaped modern Witchcraft.

    Explore moon rites, magical mirrors, sacred symbols, and witch rituals as authors share their insights into these age-old traditions. Discover the significance of initiations, the power of ritual tools, and the hidden meaning behind ancient folklore. The articles offer a holistic view of the Craft, delving into various aspects such as herbalism, divination, and ceremonial magic.

    Raven’s Call echoes the knowledge of the past and inspires practitioners seeking to enrich their spiritual journey. In these pages, you will find practical advice, rituals, and spells that will enhance your magic. With its many voices and wisdom, this anthology provides a valuable resource for both novices and seasoned witches. Rediscover the magic within and connect with the enduring spirit of the Craft.

  • Necrobotany: The Morticulture of Death is centered not just around green witchery or death, but in life itself and in understanding why the bodies of the living, be they plant or animal, function as they do and why they cease to live. Those who take the path of Necrobotany—Necrobotanists—have an understanding that plants behave as humans do, living, dying—rising again. Utilizing the raw natural power of the living and the dead to wield potent magic over the natural landscape, and reveling in the dissection of human experience. This book, beautifully illustrated by Mortellus, discusses not only practicalities, but harvesting plant life from cemeteries, communion with the plants of death, the language of funerary flowers, and the decay of compost that brings dormant and dying plants back from the brink of death, resurrected in the light of the sun. In Necrobotany: The Morticulture of Death we take an in depth look at the magic of death contained in the natural world, and plants such as yew—a master of life death and rebirth, tobacco—the consummate thanatopathic, laurel—a messenger from the living to the dead, and many many more. From the practical aspects of death and the natural world to rites, rituals, recipes, divinations, Necrobotany will leave you ready to break earth in your own necro-garden.

  • Discover the Art of Spirit Conjuration & Poppet Magic

    Unlock the mysteries of poppet magic and fetish crafting with Ensouling the Effigy, a compelling guide that offers readers an in-depth exploration into the realm of spirit conjuration, spirit vessels, and otherworldly communication. This book is not just a manual; it's an invitation to journey into the heart of animism, where the witch and spirits are inseparable. Within these pages, you'll discover techniques for creating poppets, effigies, and spirit houses that serve as vessels for spiritual entities and magical power. Learn to craft your own ritual oils, incenses, washes, and smokes with a comprehensive formulary that provides the key ingredients and instructions to infuse your practices with authenticity and botanical magic. Written for practitioners of the Arte, this book's unique blend of traditional practices will captivate anyone interested in witchcraft, magic, or spirit work. Whether you're looking to expand your magical toolkit or deepen your spiritual connections, Ensouling the Effigy offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for your journey.

  • Turn your tarot deck into your own personal help line and get the answers you’ve been looking for in Dorothy Morrison’s classic title, Everyday Tarot Magic! Follow Dorothy’s expertise as she guides you through each exercise and ritual, with over 140 spells, charms, and activities to choose from. Use numerology to help determine special cards, like your spirit card, your lesson card, or your personal year card. Connect with the spirit world and learn the fundamentals of tarot in this fantastic book for both the beginner and the advanced reader. Everything you need to successfully make magic with your tarot deck is found here within Everyday Tarot Magic.

  • Discover the Power of the Witch’s Tools!

    Dive into the mystical world of magic with Instruments of the Craft, a groundbreaking guide that brings the wisdom of Raven Grimassi’s beloved correspondence course right to your doorstep. This user-friendly book gives you the secrets to mastering the classic tools of the Craft—the Pentacle, Wand, Athame, and Chalice—along with the elemental energies that fuel them.

    Experience a deep connection with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water, and discover how they shape your magical practice. You'll uncover the unique qualities of each element, their significance in casting ritual circles, and their influence on the magical tools you use. As you explore each tool, you'll learn practical techniques to prepare, charge, and wield them effectively in your rituals.

    Geared for beginners, Instruments of the Craft provides the foundational knowledge and skills to work with the tools of the Witch. Not only will it help you understand how these tools work, but it will also show you how to make them work for you. With this book by your side, and tools ready in hand, take your next step into your magical journey!

  • The Dragon Rune Oracle Deck is an Oracle Deck dedicated to connecting and working with the energy of the ancient and powerful Dragon collective overseen by the Queen of Dragon Tiamat. Insight and information can be drawn through the swirling mists of the Dragon's breath to help the reader as they navigate their path through this lifetime and the challenges that it holds. This deck contains 28 cards and tells the story of the cyclical world of the Dragons, from their inception within the chaos of Ratanen and their battles to find magic in themselves in Sha’an. They travel onward to the peace and balance of Kaegos and the ultimate knowing of Nanen. The path of these runes can reflect our own personal journeys and challenges and therefore help us as we look for light in the darkness and understanding with the chaos. Imagine yourself on a quest to find answers to the burning questions that play on your mind, that have danced in and out of your dreams for an age. You are told of an ancient cave where the all-knowing Dragon lives and undertake a challenging and perilous journey to find this cave, when finally, through the dense forest undergrowth you spy said cave. You move slowly yet purposefully to its mouth and call to the Dragon “Ddraig!”…”Ddraig” you call and hear movement from within. You feel a huge, powerful presence come close to you from within the darkness. “WHAT WOULD YOU ASK OF ME?...” a booming voice calls. So, what would you ask the Dragon? Which questions do you really want the answers to? Remember, the Dragon won’t waste its time on trivialities, this is a chance to ask BIG questions, so think hard and ask wisely.

    The discovery of the runes is credited to Isedon Goldwing, who graciously gave us permission to recreate them for this project.

  • Over a century ago, American essayist and poet, Louise Imogen Guiney put together a wonderful, poetic book dedicated to the happenings of the Fair Folk. Now being republished for a modern audience, Brownies & Bogles is the timeless treasure that you didn’t realize was missing from your library. Contained within are stories and anecdotes regarding the lives of the Little People, offering insight into the interests and hobbies of those unseen. Written in a language that will resonate with today’s readers, Brownies & Bogles is an entertaining and informative book sure to please the witch who works with Fairies.

    This title is being release under Crossed Crow Book’s Texts of Antiquity imprint, which is committed to preserving historical books that deal with magic, mythology, and folklore.