Summertime & Living Magically
As summer settles across the land, it’s easy to see and feel the magic that surrounds us. Warm weather invites us to spend more time outside, strengthening our connection with the natural world. Summer helps us live more closely with the spirit of the Earth and all that dwells and grows upon her. Take time to listen to the sounds of summer: the chorus of birds at dawn, afternoons busy with bees, waves lapping the shore, or a distant thunderstorm, and the softer, hushed tones as darkness descends.
Night brings its own special enchantment with or without the allure of moonlight. Let wonder fill your soul as you gaze at the dazzling canopy of stars or take delight in watching fireflies dance across your lawn. Their twinkling bioluminescence gives any backyard a feeling of faery magic. The firefly is a magical aid and can be a guide whether you are seeking inspiration for a project or a new direction in life. Don’t worry, you don’t have to handle an insect for magic or ritual. Symbolism, energy, and intention provide the means to call on its power. Use a picture of a firefly in a spell to remove anything you no longer need or want in your life. As an activator, this bug can help get your energy moving to achieve whatever goals you set. In addition, the firefly can give your creativity a big boost.
Another amazing creature is the dragonfly. On summer afternoons and evenings, dragonflies can be spotted skimming across lakes, ponds, lawns, and meadows. With shimmering, metallic colors, it’s no wonder the dragonfly has been regarded as magical. According to some legends, dragonflies are faeries in disguise. In English folklore, it was a good omen if a dragonfly settled on something near you, and in the Fenlands, it was considered lucky just to see one skimming over the water. When a dragonfly was spotted, it was customary to cross your fingers and make a wish. Magically, the dragonfly supports dream work, and because it is a creature of transformation (it spends most of its life in water before taking to the air), it is instrumental in initiating and dealing with change. Wear a piece of dragonfly jewelry or carry a picture of one in your pocket to call on its energy during transitions in your life—and if you see one in flight, make a wish.
Of course, summer is a time for plants; a time to nurture the gardens that nurture us. Whether you have acres or a few pots on a balcony, herbs and veggies nourish the body and flowers feed the soul. Plants are also our allies in magic.
What would summer be without strawberries? Although they were valued mostly for medicinal purposes by the ancient Romans, by the Middle Ages, throughout Europe, people were enjoying them as a delightful treat. In Germany, tea made with strawberry leaves was believed to protect against bewitchment. Associated with love, luck, and the ability to manifest desires, write what you seek on a piece of paper, and then fold it over a couple of dried strawberry leaves. Hold it between your hands as you visualize what you want. When you have a clear image in your mind, burn the paper and leaves in your cauldron or other safe place. When the ashes are cool, sprinkle them in your favorite outdoor spot.
A medicinal herb since ancient times, vervain was highly regarded by the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Celts. It is also known as verbena, Druid’s weed, and enchanter’s weed. Vervain was sacred to the Druids and in Welsh legend, it was an ingredient in Cerridwen’s cauldron. During the Middle Ages, Witches were believed to use it in love potions and charms to ward-off hexes. Use a few long stems of vervain like a broom to sweep your magic and ritual space to clear the energy. Make an infusion with vervain leaves and use it to consecrate ritual and divination tools. Grow it in your garden or scatter dried leaves on your property to attract abundance.
A sure sign of summer, the dog rose is also known as wild briar and witches’ briar. This old-fashioned rose is a faery favorite and a powerhouse for magic. In medieval Europe, dried rosehips were used as a charm against enchantment and sorcery. To enhance your abilities, hold a leaf or flower petal between your hands while you center your energy before a divination session or any type of psychic work. Carry a dried rosehip with you as a good luck charm or use a few of them as part of a spell to break a hex or jinx.
The dog rose is also known as the beach rose because it is frequently found along the shore, welcoming us to the beach. The seashore is a magical in-between place that passes back and forth between the realms of water and land. Of course, a walk on the beach isn’t complete without gathering a few seashells. Their shapes and patterns suggest a flowing movement that echoes the mystery, rhythms, and power of the ocean. Plus, shells make wonderful magical tools.
Many types of shells can be used to hold water, a candle, offerings, or other things. A thick clamshell can also serve as an incense burner. Seashells can be used the same way as crystals, individually or laid out in patterns or grids. The clamshell is associated with abundance, healing, and love; the cockle shell with balance and new beginnings. The conch is a symbol of knowledge, sacredness, and wisdom. The round moon shell is associated with clarity and protection, and it has a spiral design that aids in stirring energy. No matter how big or small, shells are gifts, little treasures from the sea.
Summertime brings us closer to nature, allowing us to access different levels of energy and awareness, which in turn helps us discover our unique ways of self-expression in the Craft. Summer is a special time to feel and live in magic.
Witches come, gather ‘round,
Listen to summer’s sound.
In the light of moon or star,
Feel the magic of who you are.
Dance, sing, garden, and play,
Use the power of each summer day.